Unique Ways to Display Your Engagement Ring When It's Not on Your Finger

Your moissanite engagement ring is a symbol of love and commitment, and it deserves to be showcased in unique and meaningful ways, even when it's not on your finger. Whether you're getting ready for bed, attending an event that requires you to remove your ring, or simply want to admire its beauty, there are numerous creative ways to display your engagement ring and wedding band.

Ring Dish or Tray

Ring Dish or Tray:

A beautiful ring dish or tray can serve as an elegant and practical display for your lab created diamond engagement ring and wedding band. You can choose one that matches your décor or opt for a personalized one with your initials or wedding date engraved on it. Place it on your nightstand or vanity, and you'll have a designated spot to keep your rings safe and visually appealing.

Shadow Box Display

Shadow Box Display:

Transform your Forever One moissanite engagement ring and wedding band into a stunning piece of wall art with a shadow box display. Select a shadow box frame that complements your home's aesthetic and arrange your rings inside. Add a sentimental backdrop, such as a wedding photo or love letter, to create a unique and personalized display that tells your love story.


Ring Holder Necklace:

Wear your rings close to your heart with a ring holder necklace. These delicate necklaces feature a small charm or pendant designed to hold your rings securely when you need to remove them. It's a charming way to keep your precious jewelry within reach and showcase your love wherever you go.

Ring Tree:

If you appreciate a touch of nature in your home, consider a ring tree as a whimsical display option. These small tree-shaped stands are designed to hold your rings like leaves on branches. Place it on your dresser or beside your bathroom sink for a touch of organic elegance.


Jewelry Box with a View:

Upgrade your jewelry box to one with a clear top or a display window. This allows you to admire your colored moissanite engagement ring and lab created diamond wedding band even when they're safely stored. It's a convenient option for those who like to switch up their jewelry frequently while keeping everything organized.


Miniature Easel Display:

Transform a miniature easel into a charming display for your rings. These tiny easels come in various designs and materials, making them a versatile choice to complement your style. Place it on your desk or bedside table to add a touch of artistic flair to your space.

Ring Frame:

Create a work of art by framing your engagement ring and wedding band in a shadow box or deep frame. Add a background that reflects your personality or your love story, such as a map of where you first met or a love poem. Hang it on your wall as a beautiful and meaningful decoration.

Velvet Ring Roll

Velvet Ring Roll:

For those who prefer a more understated and organized display, a velvet ring roll is a sleek option. These rolls feature individual slots for your rings and can be easily tucked away in a drawer or kept on your dressing table. They're ideal for those with a minimalist aesthetic.

Crystal Display Dome:

Give your rings the royal treatment with a crystal display dome. Place your engagement ring and wedding band on a cushion or velvet base inside the dome. The transparent cover not only keeps your rings protected but also allows their brilliance to shine through.


Ring Frame Box:

Combine the elegance of a picture frame with the functionality of a jewelry box with a ring frame box. These unique boxes have a hinged lid that opens to reveal a spot for your rings, surrounded by space for a photo or a love note. It's a lovely way to keep your rings and memories close together.


Your engagement ring and wedding band are precious symbols of your love, and how you display them can be just as meaningful as wearing them. Whether you choose a ring dish, shadow box, necklace, or any of these creative options, find a way to showcase your rings that resonates with your personal style and love story. These unique displays will not only keep your rings safe but also add a touch of beauty and sentimentality to your everyday life.